The Three Friends – A funny story for kids

In a small village, there lived a group of three friends – a cat named Mittens, a dog named Sparky, and a mouse named Squeakers. They lived next door to each other and were always up to something silly.

One day, the three friends were sitting in Mittens’ backyard, discussing their plans for the day.

Sparky said, “Hey guys, I heard that there’s a new candy store opening in town today. Let’s go check it out!”

Mittens replied, “Great idea Sparky! I love candy.”

Squeakers chimed in, “Me too! Let’s go, I can’t wait to try some of that sweet, sweet sugar.”

The Three FriendsThe three friends set off for the candy store, eager to see what it had in store for them. When they arrived, they saw a sign that read “Free candy for the first 50 customers!”

Sparky’s eyes lit up. “Wow, this is our lucky day! Let’s hurry inside and be the first ones to get the candy.”

The friends ran inside and were greeted by the owner of the store, a kind old man with a big smile.

“Welcome, welcome! I’m so happy to see you here on my store’s opening day,” he said. “Please, help yourself to as much candy as you like.”

Mittens, Sparky and Squeakers were overjoyed. They ran over to the candy jars and started filling their pockets with as much candy as they could carry.

After a while, the old man said, “Excuse me, little ones. I’m afraid you’ll have to slow down a bit. You’ve already taken more than your fair share of candy.”

Mittens, Sparky, and Squeakers were confused. “But you said we could have as much as we wanted!” they exclaimed.

The old man smiled. “Well, I did say that, but I didn’t mean you could take all of it. After all, there are 49 other customers who would like some candy too.”

The friends felt bad. They didn’t mean to take too much candy. They just got a little carried away.

Sparky suggested, “We can help you in the store, so you don’t have to do all the work by yourself.”

The old man was touched by their kindness. “That’s very generous of you, but I don’t want you to give up your playtime to work in the store. However, I do have one task that I could use your help with.”

“What is it?” Mittens asked.

“Well, I’ve been having trouble with a mischievous raccoon stealing candy from my store every night. Could you help me catch him?”

Sparky, Mittens, and Squeakers were eager to help. “Of course, we will!” they exclaimed.

The Three Friends

That night, the three friends set a trap for the raccoon. They placed a piece of candy on a string, tied it to a tree, and hid behind a nearby bush to wait.

Sure enough, a raccoon came along and started to take the candy. As soon as he had it in his grasp, Sparky, Mittens, and Squeakers jumped out from their hiding spot and yelled, “Gotcha!”

The raccoon was so surprised that he dropped the candy and ran away as fast as he could.

The old man was so grateful to the three friends for catching the thief. He gave them a big bag of candy as a reward.


The moral of this story could be: “Even when we make mistakes, we can make it right by helping others and showing kindness.”


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